About API and Licensing

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About API and Licensing

Post by Reizen »

Hi everyone, i am new to ZGameEditor. I'am from turkey and i am a university student on philosophy while interesting about game making :) So
I found this great engine and i want to produce some cool things but i have some questions.

-First, are there any api documentation for explaining all the buil-in variables and functions in the scripting language?

-Second, can i sell my game on any store without buying a license or sharing revenue? Or should i put anything (for example; a splash screen or a link) about ZGameEditor?

-Third, are there any games made with this engine that selling on any store?

-are there any tutorial that making a game from scratch to completed stage with ZGame Editor

-Is there any physics engine? or anyway to use physics in games?

If any of above questions have answered before, i apologise for that...
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Post by Kjell »

Hi Reizen,
Reizen wrote:are there any api documentation for explaining all the buil-in variables and functions in the scripting language?
Yes, there's the scripting reference .. although i'm not sure if it's completely up-to-date.
Reizen wrote:can i sell my game on any store without buying a license or sharing revenue? Or should i put anything (for example; a splash screen or a link) about ZGameEditor?
Yes. ZGameEditor is free / open-source and distributed under the MIT license. So you can sell games made using ZGameEditor without paying royalties. A splash screen or link isn't required either.
Reizen wrote:are there any games made with this engine that selling on any store?
There are a couple of small games yes, such as Debug Formulation, Eater and Castle Node.
Reizen wrote:are there any tutorial that making a game from scratch to completed stage with ZGame Editor
The only one I'm aware of is the OneButton-game tutorial.
Reizen wrote:Is there any physics engine? or anyway to use physics in games?
Not build-in, but you can use the Bullet Physics ( 3D ) or Box2D extensions for ZGameEditor.

Hope this helps :)

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Post by jonaspm »

Here is the link to the physics library (zgebullet)

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