Component Function

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Component Function

Post by Kjell »


In case you don't like the syntax of calling a component, you can write your own classic C-style wrapper function using the ZLibrary component.

For example, when you want to delete a model using the RemoveModel component, you currently have to write the following expression.

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@RemoveModel(Model: myModel);
However, using a ZLibrary you can make this as follows.

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The only thing you have to do is to add a ZLibrary component containing the following function declaration in App:OnLoaded.

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void removeModel(model m)
  @RemoveModel(Model: m);
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Post by VilleK »

Nice :). Similarly you could make saveToFile(filename,array)/loadFromFile functions that encapsulates File components etc. We could wrap it up in a "Useful" lib and add it to the Library.xml.
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