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anothe useless bit of nothing,.

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 4:29 am
by jph_wacheski
nothing wants me,. and I have a problem resisting the void,. . . .

so here is another non-game., .
IJKL to change sound,. ARROWS to spin and blend,. . .

get a life.

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 2:54 pm
by Kjell
Hi jph,

Love the sound effect when continuously pressing K or I ( plus some J & L on top ), very space-y :) How's that Rising Star Program working out for you?

Hope all is well,

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 2:54 pm
by VilleK
I like it too! Great sounds. Useless in a wonderful way.


Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 3:15 pm
by jph_wacheski
thanks guys,. yeah I posted it as i liked it too,. :P

Kjell - in the end i was talked out of doing the rising star thing,. from your thoughts and others,. seems I don't really want to be on the corporate gameing systems,. not really willing to jump through all the hoops they expect,. and give them my work for their profits,. I am just working on a couple projects in ZGE and hope to sell some of them eventualy,. one is planed to b enetered into this years IGF as indie games are as mainstream as I see myself going., I am thinking that some net based gaming is in the future as geting ppl to pay for a one time d/l is tough., software pirates and all.,. however offering a service with online play or objects to add to the game that other players create,. may inspire ppl to actually pay a little for the game w/ the net based service,. . so i'm trying to hook up with a net systems guru to help implement some of that,. and perhaps make some money,. as I need to eat,. unfortunatly.
of course none of this probably matters much,. with the PNAC Skull and Bones Pirates working to collapse the american econimic system and usher in thier fascist corporate military state machine,. but one must continue to try eh. All i ever wanted was a little bit of land to grow food on,. . stupide global capitalism!

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 2:27 pm
by ithamore
This is wonderfully fun. The sound side, however, seems to be a bit more realized or fully implemented than the visual side, but I completely ignore the visuals while playing with the sound.

Thank you.

This would even be awesome without the provided graphics, so the visuals make it that much greater.

It's too bad there is only an executable available for this app. There's so much that could be learned from it.

Oh well, inspiring without educating or informing is better than nothing.