64-bit test build

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64-bit test build

Post by VilleK »

With the addition of 64-bit platform support in the Delphi compiler I had to try building ZGE in a 64-bit version :)

The transition went quite smoothly and just after a few days work (mostly related to zge-script execution that relied on 32-bit pointers) I have it almost fully working.

Some issues:
- The text in the window caption of generated exe-files become garbled. Not sure why.
- Generated exe-files are large because I have not attempted to size-optimize them. Also UPX-compressor do not support 64-bit executable format.
- DefineArray with string and model datatypes are buggy
- ExternalLibrary calls to dlls not supported yet.

Not sure if a 64-bit version of ZGE is useful but maybe in a year or two we want all programs to be 64-bit so it can't hurt preparing for it. This is just a experiment at the moment and work on the 32-bit version will continue as usual.

Requirements: 64-bit version of Windows

http://www.zgameeditor.org/files/ZGameE ... eta_64.zip
if you see "64-bit" in the log window on startup you know you are running in 64-bit mode :)
if you see "64-bit" in the log window on startup you know you are running in 64-bit mode :)
64bit_log.png (11.17 KiB) Viewed 15352 times
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