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Posts: 791 Joined: Fri Sep 28, 2012 10:05 am
by Ats » Wed Oct 02, 2024 5:25 pm
While doing my daily tests with the 64-bit stuff, I just realized that the texture positions are completely off on Android when the TexCoords is set to Generated, both in 32-bit and 64-bit. Didn't we already fix that? Or maybe I'm confusing it with something else, I don't know.
Anyway, here's what it looks in preview and PC mode:
Screenshot 2024-10-02 192159.png (331.85 KiB) Viewed 2309 times
First row has the TexCoords Generated
Second row has the TexCoords ModelDefined
Then from left to right, the TextureWrapMode is Mirror, Tile and Clamp
And here's the same thing on Android:
Screenshot_20241002-192257.png (381.18 KiB) Viewed 2309 times
(to test Android 64, I used the hacked lib with threads completely deactivated)
Here's the example:
Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
<ZApplication Name="App" Caption="ZGameEditor application" FileVersion="2" AndroidPackageName="com.mydomain.onrender">
<Repeat Name="repeat" Count="6">
<![CDATA[int i = repeat.Iteration;
transform.Translate.X = -2.5+(i % 3)*2.5;
transform.Translate.Y = 1.5-(i / 3)*3;
switch(i) {
case 0: @UseMaterial(MAterial:MaterialGeneratedMirror); break;
case 1: @UseMaterial(MAterial:MaterialGeneratedTile); break;
case 2: @UseMaterial(MAterial:MaterialGeneratedClamp); break;
case 3: @UseMaterial(MAterial:MaterialModelDefinedMirror); break;
case 4: @UseMaterial(MAterial:MaterialModelDefinedTile); break;
case 5: @UseMaterial(MAterial:MaterialModelDefinedClamp); break;
<RenderTransformGroup Name="transform" Translate="2.5 -1.5 0">
<RenderTransform Rotate="0.1 0.1 0"/>
<RenderMesh Mesh="CubeMesh"/>
<Mesh Name="CubeMesh">
<Bitmap Name="Bitmap1">
<BitmapCells RandomSeed="63"/>
<Material Name="MaterialGeneratedMirror">
<MaterialTexture Texture="Bitmap1"/>
<Material Name="MaterialGeneratedTile">
<MaterialTexture Texture="Bitmap1" TextureWrapMode="1"/>
<Material Name="MaterialGeneratedClamp">
<MaterialTexture Texture="Bitmap1" TextureWrapMode="2"/>
<Material Name="MaterialModelDefinedMirror">
<MaterialTexture Texture="Bitmap1" TexCoords="1"/>
<Material Name="MaterialModelDefinedTile">
<MaterialTexture Texture="Bitmap1" TextureWrapMode="1" TexCoords="1"/>
<Material Name="MaterialModelDefinedClamp">
<MaterialTexture Texture="Bitmap1" TextureWrapMode="2" TexCoords="1"/>
Posts: 1921 Joined: Sat Feb 23, 2008 11:15 pm
by Kjell » Wed Oct 02, 2024 5:46 pm
Hi Ats,
Generated texture coordinates aren't available on OpenGL ES. You can find the corresponding source code
here .
That being said, this is what it looks like on my PC ( which looks correct to me ) .. not sure what's going on in your PC screenshot
Posts: 791 Joined: Fri Sep 28, 2012 10:05 am
by Ats » Wed Oct 02, 2024 6:00 pm
Oh, right. Thanks.
About the screenshot, I left some TexCoords coordinate numbers in my example that I edited afterwards. But that doesn't explain the bottom right cube...
(ModelDefined + Clamp)
Posts: 1921 Joined: Sat Feb 23, 2008 11:15 pm
by Kjell » Wed Oct 02, 2024 6:09 pm
Can you take a screenshot of this on PC? Bit easier to "read" than the cells bitmap
Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
<ZApplication Name="App" Caption="ZGameEditor application" FileVersion="2" AndroidPackageName="com.mydomain.onrender">
<Repeat Name="repeat" Count="6">
<![CDATA[int i = repeat.Iteration;
transform.Translate.X = -2.5+(i % 3)*2.5;
transform.Translate.Y = 1.5-(i / 3)*3;
switch(i) {
case 0: @UseMaterial(MAterial:MaterialGeneratedMirror); break;
case 1: @UseMaterial(MAterial:MaterialGeneratedTile); break;
case 2: @UseMaterial(MAterial:MaterialGeneratedClamp); break;
case 3: @UseMaterial(MAterial:MaterialModelDefinedMirror); break;
case 4: @UseMaterial(MAterial:MaterialModelDefinedTile); break;
case 5: @UseMaterial(MAterial:MaterialModelDefinedClamp); break;
<RenderTransformGroup Name="transform" Translate="2.5 -1.5 0">
<RenderTransform Rotate="0.1 0.1 0"/>
<RenderMesh Mesh="CubeMesh"/>
<Mesh Name="CubeMesh">
<Bitmap Name="Bitmap1" Width="32" Height="32" Filter="1">
<![CDATA[int u = X*32, v = Y*32;
if(u == 0 || u == 31 || v == 0 || v == 31)
Pixel = 1;
Pixel.R = X;
Pixel.G = Y;
Pixel.B = 1-X;
<Material Name="MaterialGeneratedMirror">
<MaterialTexture Texture="Bitmap1"/>
<Material Name="MaterialGeneratedTile">
<MaterialTexture Texture="Bitmap1" TextureWrapMode="1"/>
<Material Name="MaterialGeneratedClamp">
<MaterialTexture Texture="Bitmap1" TextureWrapMode="2"/>
<Material Name="MaterialModelDefinedMirror">
<MaterialTexture Texture="Bitmap1" TexCoords="1"/>
<Material Name="MaterialModelDefinedTile">
<MaterialTexture Texture="Bitmap1" TextureWrapMode="1" TexCoords="1"/>
<Material Name="MaterialModelDefinedClamp">
<MaterialTexture Texture="Bitmap1" TextureWrapMode="2" TexCoords="1"/>
Should look like this ..
Posts: 791 Joined: Fri Sep 28, 2012 10:05 am
by Ats » Wed Oct 02, 2024 8:59 pm
I just verified, on my screenshot, the problem really was coming from the MaterialTexture.TextureX that was far from 0. I have the same screenshot as you...
But not with your example
I copied and paste your code to get this on PC:
Screenshot 2024-10-02 225701.png (73.29 KiB) Viewed 2274 times
Posts: 1921 Joined: Sat Feb 23, 2008 11:15 pm
by Kjell » Wed Oct 02, 2024 9:20 pm
My mistake .. should have used round() to prevent the possibility of rounding errors. Try this instead
Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
<ZApplication Name="App" Caption="ZGameEditor application" FileVersion="2" AndroidPackageName="com.mydomain.onrender">
<Repeat Name="repeat" Count="6">
<![CDATA[int i = repeat.Iteration;
transform.Translate.X = -2.5+(i % 3)*2.5;
transform.Translate.Y = 1.5-(i / 3)*3;
switch(i) {
case 0: @UseMaterial(MAterial:MaterialGeneratedMirror); break;
case 1: @UseMaterial(MAterial:MaterialGeneratedTile); break;
case 2: @UseMaterial(MAterial:MaterialGeneratedClamp); break;
case 3: @UseMaterial(MAterial:MaterialModelDefinedMirror); break;
case 4: @UseMaterial(MAterial:MaterialModelDefinedTile); break;
case 5: @UseMaterial(MAterial:MaterialModelDefinedClamp); break;
<RenderTransformGroup Name="transform" Translate="2.5 -1.5 0">
<RenderTransform Rotate="0.1 0.1 0"/>
<RenderMesh Mesh="CubeMesh"/>
<Mesh Name="CubeMesh">
<Bitmap Name="Bitmap1" Width="32" Height="32" Filter="1">
<![CDATA[int u = round(X*31), v = round(Y*31);
if(u == 0 || u == 31 || v == 0 || v == 31)
Pixel = 1;
Pixel.R = X;
Pixel.G = Y;
Pixel.B = 1-X;
<Material Name="MaterialGeneratedMirror">
<MaterialTexture Texture="Bitmap1"/>
<Material Name="MaterialGeneratedTile">
<MaterialTexture Texture="Bitmap1" TextureWrapMode="1"/>
<Material Name="MaterialGeneratedClamp">
<MaterialTexture Texture="Bitmap1" TextureWrapMode="2"/>
<Material Name="MaterialModelDefinedMirror">
<MaterialTexture Texture="Bitmap1" TexCoords="1"/>
<Material Name="MaterialModelDefinedTile">
<MaterialTexture Texture="Bitmap1" TextureWrapMode="1" TexCoords="1"/>
<Material Name="MaterialModelDefinedClamp">
<MaterialTexture Texture="Bitmap1" TextureWrapMode="2" TexCoords="1"/>
Posts: 791 Joined: Fri Sep 28, 2012 10:05 am
by Ats » Wed Oct 02, 2024 9:29 pm