OUYA Development Kit for ZGE

Use of external libraries (DLLs) from ZGE.

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OUYA Development Kit for ZGE

Post by Rado1 »

I'm pleased to announce that ZGE supports now also OUYA In-App Purchasing (IAP) and OUYA Storage functionality. Everything this is implemented in the ZgeOuya library which represents a facade to the OUYA Development Kit (ODK). The ZgeOuya is implemented as a native library written in C++ accompanied with a Java code used to interface ODK. This "architecture" allows more flexible maintenance and enables smaller changes when ODK will change in future.

The project is maintained at the Google Code page http://code.google.com/p/zgeouya. You can find the description of how to use ZgeOuya library in ZGE projects, source code and also relevant links there. The compiled version of the ZgeOuya library, demo projects and tools can be found at the download page.

The current version contains all the necessary parts of IAP but also something more, e.g. textual descriptions of the available products I used for testing, but are not really necessary for game development.

My future plans:
1. Add OUYA-related libraries (ZgeOuya and Android gamepad) to the "Add from library..." context menu in ZGE.
2. Optionally: create a new ZApplication.AndroidSdk option for OUYA which would extend the "4.1 (API Level 16)" by ZgeOuya.java file.
3. Allow to load the game signing key (key.der file) as file. So the developer will just copy the key.der file to some location; e.g., assets folder or res/raw folder.
4. Simplify the API by removing unnecessary parameters. For instance, if a game knows about its products, it is not necessary to load the product info from the server, because is the purchase is being done the OUYA dialog shows all the necessary information anyway (name, description, price).

Please note that you can use these features only if you are registered OUYA developer; i.e., you have UUID, access to defining products, games, etc.

If you do not want to sell your applications, you do not need this library; just compile your OUYA applications with ZApplication.AndroidSdk option set to "4.1 (API Level 16)" and use the "Android gamepad" library which provides you codes for OUYA controller buttons and axes. See this topic for more information about supporting game pads for Android (including OUYA Controller) in ZGE.
Last edited by Rado1 on Fri Apr 25, 2014 10:19 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by VilleK »

Excellent work Rado1! Hope we will see some nice Ouya projects using your library :)
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Post by Kjell »

Hi Rado1,

Fantastic work! Very convenient that you can access the controllers through the standard joystick functions :)

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Post by Rado1 »

Thank you for encouraging words.

In meantime, I simplified the ZgeOuya library in the following ways:

1. Removed functions for obtaining product information, because they are not really necessary for developers of games/application - each developer knows what products his/her application supports. I just used this functionality for testing purposes.

2. Parameter for a game signing key was excluded from the ouya_InitPurchasing() function. It is sufficient just to copy the key file key.der to the assets folder.

3. As a natural consequence, ... the library is smaller.

The current library version is v0.91. It can be downloaded from the previously mentioned download page. The Google code howto wiki page was also updated.
Last edited by Rado1 on Sat Apr 19, 2014 3:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Ats »

Awesome. Glad to see your are using your ouya like that!
I have some time today, so I'll try to compile my first APK with ouya controllers support instead of just pushing the dat file to it. If that goes well, I'll add a "help devlopment" button with the IAP ;)
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Post by Rado1 »

There's a new video tutorial demonstrating reworking of a simple ZGE Windows application controlled by keyboard and mouse to OUYA Android application using the OUYA controller.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99y2JBY ... Oz_qaU634A

It also shows the process of building the app and installation on the device.
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Post by Ats »

Sweetness, that's awesome. That's exactly what I was looking for now that I can build apk. Thanks Rado1 !!!
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Post by Rado1 »

ZgeOuya source code repository has been moved to GitHub.
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