Wish-list for improving the visual style of ZGameEditor.
- Many ZGE components does not have custom icons. New icons will need to use a similar style and color scheme as the current set so they would look out of place.
- Main logotype for ZGameEditor-tool. It should feature the text "ZGameEditor" or "ZGE", and work in different resolutions. Usage would include application icon, wiki-logo and forum-logo.
I'd be happy to accept contributions here as I lack any kind of graphic design skills myself
I decided to give this a shot I'm making icons mostly in 3d, and then playing with them in Photoshop to finalize them.
Attached to this post are two icons I made just a while ago, one for PlaySound component and one for AudioMixer.
Ville, would it be possible to create a full icon set that doesn't match the current look&feel but will completely replace it instead? Not that I have anything against the icons right now, just a thought.
Let me know what you think.
Maybe not for the editor itself, since I like something that reminds the retro style like the one we currently have
What about a set of default ICOs for the games created with the editor?
BTW: the link to the main page of the forum is not reachable for me! (index.php while it's working if I only write http://www.emix8.org/forum/ )
I'm browsing subforum-by-subforum right now
In the fall of 1972 President Nixon announced that the rate of increase of inflation was decreasing. This was the first time a sitting president used the third derivative to advance his case for reelection.
-=Hugo Rossi=-
yeah I like them too,. welcome Psyke!
Perhaps set up a random rotation for the forum like pouet does,. that way we can all contrbute and it keeps things interesting,. and kjells logo has grown fermiliar,. also I do like the current ico on the editor,. so yeah offer the new one to people for their creations!
This reminds me that we had both Kjell and Diki working on new icons for the components, but none appeared . Maybe you can post them here even if they are not ready so we can pick and use those we like? Also I would want to try making the GUI more attractive so any mockups that suggests new colors etc are welcome. I know Kjell did one long ago.
I started working on them,. just a bit. I am going for a very minimalistic set,. that I would color code when i get them all done., . Is sorta fun, so I will try to get something for each in a uniform style.
Here's my attempt too, I packed it into a pdf. Note that this is still a sketch, meaning it's all hand drawn, rough etc but at this point I'm only trying to convey the idea, hopefully it should be enough to do that.
I took "bringing out" part quite literally, as in "from inside the monitor" (the black rectangle in perspective). Things I like about this sketch: lends itself well to animation, simple, easy to remember, can be used for icons etc.. anyway, go take a look!
Yes, it's just a sketch, just so it's open for discussion (and I'm lazy!, no point in polishing a final version, which is lots of work, if this doesn't get through first ). It should all look smooth in the end. There are also some loose pixels on the dodecahedron, it's because I just painted it over an image instead of making a real model myself. The icon-sized versions should also go through manual adjustments / sharpening and so on.
Last edited by rrTea on Fri May 15, 2015 4:00 am, edited 1 time in total.