It comes from BitmapCombine !!!
In order to create my randomly generated galaxy background, I create a Bitmap with:
Code: Select all
BitmapNoise (R)
BitmapNoise (G)
BitmapNoise (B)
I made a quick mock-up in order to try (if you have a Huawei, Xiamoi or Xperia phone). Just press the screen to switch the background material and show the bug.
Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
<ZApplication Name="App" Caption="test" ScreenMode="0" FileVersion="2" AndroidPackageName="com.txori.test" AndroidPortrait="2">
<SpawnModel Model="BackgroundModel"/>
<SpawnModel Model="DebugModel"/>
if (touchGetCount()>0) TouchCount=1;]]>
<KeyPress Comment="Mouse click" Keys="{">
<ZExpression Expression="TouchCount = 1;"/>
<Mesh Name="DebugMesh">
<Model Name="DebugModel" RotationVelocity="0.1 0.1 0.1">
<UseMaterial Material="FlatMaterial"/>
<RenderMesh Mesh="DebugMesh"/>
<Material Name="FlatMaterial" Shading="1"/>
<Group Comment="Background">
<Model Name="BackgroundModel" Position="0 0 4">
<Condition Expression="return TouchCount;">
<UseMaterial Material="MultiMaterial"/>
<UseMaterial Material="SingleMaterial"/>
<RenderMesh Mesh="BackgroundMesh"/>
<Mesh Name="BackgroundMesh">
<MeshBox Scale="8 4.5 1" Grid2DOnly="255"/>
<Material Name="SingleMaterial" Shading="1" Light="0" ZBuffer="0">
<MaterialTexture Texture="SingleBitmap" TextureWrapMode="1" TexCoords="1"/>
<Material Name="MultiMaterial" Shading="1" Light="0" ZBuffer="0">
<MaterialTexture Texture="MultiBitmap" TextureWrapMode="1" TexCoords="1"/>
<Bitmap Name="SingleBitmap">
<BitmapNoise Color="1"/>
<![CDATA[//X,Y : current coordinate (0..1)
//Pixel : current color (rgb)
//Sample expression: Pixel.R=abs(sin(X*16));
//Pixel.R *= .6;
//Pixel.G *= .6;
//Pixel.B *= .6;
Pixel.A = 1;]]>
<Bitmap Name="MultiBitmap">
<BitmapNoise Comment="R" Offset="0.143" Persistence="0" ZHeight="0" Color="1" Tile="255"/>
<BitmapNoise Comment="B" Offset="0.0637" Persistence="0" ZHeight="0" Color="3" Tile="255"/>
<BitmapNoise Comment="G" Offset="0.0547" Persistence="0" ZHeight="0" Color="2" Tile="255"/>
<![CDATA[//X,Y : current coordinate (0..1)
//Pixel : current color (rgb)
//Sample expression: Pixel.R=abs(sin(X*16));
/*Pixel.R *= .8;
Pixel.G *= .8;
Pixel.B *= .8;*/
Pixel.A = 1;]]>
<Variable Name="TouchCount" Type="4"/>
For starters, I'm going to use this in order to release a working APK on Google Play:
Code: Select all
BitmapNoise (white)
Pixel.R *= sin(X);
Pixel.G *= sin(Y);
Pixel.B *= cos(X);
Pixel.A = 1;