Google Play New problem : 64bits

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Re: Google Play New problem : 64bits

Post by Ats »

No worries, enjoy your holidays. By the time you'll come back, I would have dug a big hole into the problem :lol:

I tried the simple

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
<ZApplication Name="App" Caption="ZGE cube" ClearColor="1 0 0 1" FullScreen="255" FrameRateStyle="1" ScreenMode="0" MouseVisible="255" FileVersion="2" AndroidPackageName="com.txori.cube" AndroidPortrait="1"/>
But it still delivers a black screen.

Just in case, I went from minSdkVersion 16 to 23, and targetSdkVersion from 28 to 29, but it doesn't change anything.
Right now I can't go above 29 (current is 33) because they changed the signature process at API version 30 and everything is now overcomplicated, for a change :roll:

Regarding ZExpressions.pas, I replaced CPUARM64 by cpuaarch64 and simplified to this, with a little surprise at line bgt .Lmyloop64:

Code: Select all

  {$if defined(cpuaarch64)} // 64-bit ARM

      P := @Args + 64; // Start after first 8 args (8 * 8 bytes = 64 bytes)
      Tmp := ArgCount - 8;
        ldr x8, Tmp
        ldr x9, P
        mov x11, #0
        ldr x10, [x9, x11]
        str x10, [sp, x11]
        add x11, x11, #8
        sub x8, x8, #1
        cmp x8, #0 .Lmyloop64 // little surprise here : bgt .Lmyloop64 isn't compiling when targetting cpuaarch64 instead of CPUARM64

    ldr x8, Args
    ldr x9, Args + 8
    ldr x10, Args + 16
    ldr x11, Args + 24

    ldr x12, TheFunc
    blr x12

    str x8, RetVal

  {$else} // 32-bit ARM

      P := @Args + 16; // Start after first 4 args (4 * 4 bytes = 16 bytes)
      Tmp := ArgCount - 4;
        ldr r0, Tmp
        ldr r1, P
        mov r3, #0
        ldr r2, [r1, r3]
        str r2, [r13, r3]
        add r3, r3, #4
        sub r0, r0, #1
        cmp r0, #0
        bgt .Lmyloop

    ldr r0, Args
    ldr r1, Args + 4
    ldr r2, Args + 8
    ldr r3, Args + 12

    ldr r4, TheFunc
    blx r4

    str r0, RetVal

Still not working.
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Re: Google Play New problem : 64bits

Post by VilleK »

Does it help to edit this line.


Code: Select all

  Result := Integer( dlopen(TheName,1) );

Code: Select all

  Result := NativeUInt( dlopen(TheName,1) );
I would also edit this line to make it more clear that a function is not found.

Code: Select all

    Platform_Error('Function not found: ' + Name);
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Re: Google Play New problem : 64bits

Post by Ats »

I modified your last line as Platform_Error expects a PChar instead of an AnsiString:
Platform_Error(PChar('Function not found: ' + Name));

But with your first change, everything seems to work now. NICE :D

I'm going to run some tests, send the 64 apk to the guy with the Pixel 7 phone, then I'll prepare a few commits to the GitHub so you'll just have to verify/validate my changes after your vacations ;)
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Re: Google Play New problem : 64bits

Post by Ats »

mmm... As Kjell pointed out, maybe E in the adb log isn't Execution, but Error?...

The cube is showing up, but the log says this:
(with VilleK last modification, it's easier to comprehend that something isn't working)

Code: Select all

08-26 19:03:48.272 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: /storage/emulated/0
08-26 19:03:48.272 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: /data/user/0/com.txori.cube/files/
08-26 19:03:48.272 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: /data/user/0/com.txori.cube/lib/
08-26 19:03:48.282 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: JNI_OnLoad
08-26 19:03:48.282 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDepthRange
08-26 19:03:48.282 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGenLists
08-26 19:03:48.282 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glMateriali
08-26 19:03:48.282 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glIndexMask
08-26 19:03:48.282 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glListBase
08-26 19:03:48.282 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glBegin
08-26 19:03:48.282 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glCallList
08-26 19:03:48.282 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glColor3f
08-26 19:03:48.282 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glColor3fv
08-26 19:03:48.282 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glColor4fv
08-26 19:03:48.282 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glEnd
08-26 19:03:48.282 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glColorMaterial
08-26 19:03:48.282 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDeleteLists
08-26 19:03:48.283 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDrawBuffer
08-26 19:03:48.283 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGetTexImage
08-26 19:03:48.283 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glPolygonMode
08-26 19:03:48.283 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glPopAttrib
08-26 19:03:48.283 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glPushAttrib
08-26 19:03:48.283 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glRasterPos2f
08-26 19:03:48.283 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glTexCoord2f
08-26 19:03:48.283 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glVertex2f
08-26 19:03:48.283 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glVertex3f
08-26 19:03:48.283 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glTexGeni
08-26 19:03:48.283 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glAttachShader
08-26 19:03:48.283 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glBindAttribLocation
08-26 19:03:48.283 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glCompileShader
08-26 19:03:48.283 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glCreateShader
08-26 19:03:48.283 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glCreateProgram
08-26 19:03:48.283 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDeleteShader
08-26 19:03:48.283 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDeleteProgram
08-26 19:03:48.284 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDetachShader
08-26 19:03:48.284 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGetProgramiv
08-26 19:03:48.284 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGetShaderiv
08-26 19:03:48.284 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGetShaderInfoLog
08-26 19:03:48.285 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGetProgramInfoLog
08-26 19:03:48.285 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glValidateProgram
08-26 19:03:48.285 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGetUniformLocation
08-26 19:03:48.285 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glLinkProgram
08-26 19:03:48.285 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glShaderSource
08-26 19:03:48.285 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniform3fv
08-26 19:03:48.285 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniform1f
08-26 19:03:48.285 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniform4fv
08-26 19:03:48.285 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniform2fv
08-26 19:03:48.285 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniform1i
08-26 19:03:48.285 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniform1fv
08-26 19:03:48.285 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniformMatrix3fv
08-26 19:03:48.285 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniformMatrix4fv
08-26 19:03:48.285 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUseProgram
08-26 19:03:48.285 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glIsRenderbuffer
08-26 19:03:48.285 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glBindRenderbuffer
08-26 19:03:48.285 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDeleteRenderbuffers
08-26 19:03:48.285 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGenRenderbuffers
08-26 19:03:48.285 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glRenderbufferStorage
08-26 19:03:48.285 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glBindFramebuffer
08-26 19:03:48.285 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDeleteFramebuffers
08-26 19:03:48.285 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGenFramebuffers
08-26 19:03:48.285 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glCheckFramebufferStatus
08-26 19:03:48.285 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glFramebufferTexture2D
08-26 19:03:48.285 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glFramebufferRenderbuffer
08-26 19:03:48.285 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGenerateMipmap
08-26 19:03:48.285 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glRenderbufferStorageMultisample
08-26 19:03:48.286 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glTexImage2DMultisample
08-26 19:03:48.286 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glBlitFramebuffer
08-26 19:03:48.286 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDisableVertexAttribArray
08-26 19:03:48.286 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glEnableVertexAttribArray
08-26 19:03:48.286 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glVertexAttribPointer
08-26 19:03:48.287 32639 32639 E ZgeAndroid: GLBase: 1.1
08-26 19:03:48.390 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: JNI_OnLoad
08-26 19:03:48.390 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDepthRange
08-26 19:03:48.390 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGenLists
08-26 19:03:48.390 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glMateriali
08-26 19:03:48.390 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glIndexMask
08-26 19:03:48.390 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glListBase
08-26 19:03:48.390 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glBegin
08-26 19:03:48.390 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glCallList
08-26 19:03:48.390 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glColor3f
08-26 19:03:48.390 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glColor3fv
08-26 19:03:48.390 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glColor4fv
08-26 19:03:48.391 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glEnd
08-26 19:03:48.391 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glColorMaterial
08-26 19:03:48.391 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDeleteLists
08-26 19:03:48.391 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDrawBuffer
08-26 19:03:48.391 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGetTexImage
08-26 19:03:48.391 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glPolygonMode
08-26 19:03:48.391 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glPopAttrib
08-26 19:03:48.391 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glPushAttrib
08-26 19:03:48.391 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glRasterPos2f
08-26 19:03:48.391 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glTexCoord2f
08-26 19:03:48.391 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glVertex2f
08-26 19:03:48.391 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glVertex3f
08-26 19:03:48.391 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glTexGeni
08-26 19:03:48.415 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glAttachShader
08-26 19:03:48.415 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glBindAttribLocation
08-26 19:03:48.415 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glCompileShader
08-26 19:03:48.415 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glCreateShader
08-26 19:03:48.415 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glCreateProgram
08-26 19:03:48.415 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDeleteShader
08-26 19:03:48.415 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDeleteProgram
08-26 19:03:48.415 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDetachShader
08-26 19:03:48.415 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGetProgramiv
08-26 19:03:48.415 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGetShaderiv
08-26 19:03:48.415 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGetShaderInfoLog
08-26 19:03:48.415 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGetProgramInfoLog
08-26 19:03:48.415 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glValidateProgram
08-26 19:03:48.415 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGetUniformLocation
08-26 19:03:48.416 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glLinkProgram
08-26 19:03:48.416 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glShaderSource
08-26 19:03:48.416 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniform3fv
08-26 19:03:48.416 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniform1f
08-26 19:03:48.416 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniform4fv
08-26 19:03:48.416 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniform2fv
08-26 19:03:48.416 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniform1i
08-26 19:03:48.416 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniform1fv
08-26 19:03:48.416 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniformMatrix3fv
08-26 19:03:48.416 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniformMatrix4fv
08-26 19:03:48.416 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUseProgram
08-26 19:03:48.416 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glIsRenderbuffer
08-26 19:03:48.416 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glBindRenderbuffer
08-26 19:03:48.416 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDeleteRenderbuffers
08-26 19:03:48.416 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGenRenderbuffers
08-26 19:03:48.416 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glRenderbufferStorage
08-26 19:03:48.416 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glBindFramebuffer
08-26 19:03:48.416 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDeleteFramebuffers
08-26 19:03:48.416 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGenFramebuffers
08-26 19:03:48.416 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glCheckFramebufferStatus
08-26 19:03:48.416 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glFramebufferTexture2D
08-26 19:03:48.416 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glFramebufferRenderbuffer
08-26 19:03:48.416 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGenerateMipmap
08-26 19:03:48.416 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glRenderbufferStorageMultisample
08-26 19:03:48.416 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glTexImage2DMultisample
08-26 19:03:48.416 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glBlitFramebuffer
08-26 19:03:48.416 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDisableVertexAttribArray
08-26 19:03:48.417 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glEnableVertexAttribArray
08-26 19:03:48.417 32639 32685 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glVertexAttribPointer
Yet, it's working now... :?

I also recompiled 32 with those latest modifications to get this adb log, even though this one is working...

Code: Select all

08-26 19:26:12.323  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: /storage/emulated/0
08-26 19:26:12.323  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: /data/user/0/com.txori.cube/files/
08-26 19:26:12.323  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: /data/user/0/com.txori.cube/lib/
08-26 19:26:12.331  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: JNI_OnLoad
08-26 19:26:12.332  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDepthRange
08-26 19:26:12.332  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGenLists
08-26 19:26:12.332  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glMateriali
08-26 19:26:12.332  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glIndexMask
08-26 19:26:12.332  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glListBase
08-26 19:26:12.332  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glBegin
08-26 19:26:12.332  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glCallList
08-26 19:26:12.332  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glColor3f
08-26 19:26:12.332  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glColor3fv
08-26 19:26:12.332  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glColor4fv
08-26 19:26:12.332  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glEnd
08-26 19:26:12.332  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glColorMaterial
08-26 19:26:12.332  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDeleteLists
08-26 19:26:12.332  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDrawBuffer
08-26 19:26:12.333  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGetTexImage
08-26 19:26:12.333  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glPolygonMode
08-26 19:26:12.333  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glPopAttrib
08-26 19:26:12.333  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glPushAttrib
08-26 19:26:12.333  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glRasterPos2f
08-26 19:26:12.333  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glTexCoord2f
08-26 19:26:12.333  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glVertex2f
08-26 19:26:12.333  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glVertex3f
08-26 19:26:12.333  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glTexGeni
08-26 19:26:12.333  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glAttachShader
08-26 19:26:12.333  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glBindAttribLocation
08-26 19:26:12.333  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glCompileShader
08-26 19:26:12.333  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glCreateShader
08-26 19:26:12.333  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glCreateProgram
08-26 19:26:12.333  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDeleteShader
08-26 19:26:12.333  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDeleteProgram
08-26 19:26:12.333  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDetachShader
08-26 19:26:12.334  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGetProgramiv
08-26 19:26:12.334  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGetShaderiv
08-26 19:26:12.334  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGetShaderInfoLog
08-26 19:26:12.334  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGetProgramInfoLog
08-26 19:26:12.334  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glValidateProgram
08-26 19:26:12.334  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGetUniformLocation
08-26 19:26:12.334  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glLinkProgram
08-26 19:26:12.334  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glShaderSource
08-26 19:26:12.334  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniform3fv
08-26 19:26:12.334  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniform1f
08-26 19:26:12.334  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniform4fv
08-26 19:26:12.334  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniform2fv
08-26 19:26:12.334  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniform1i
08-26 19:26:12.334  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniform1fv
08-26 19:26:12.334  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniformMatrix3fv
08-26 19:26:12.334  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniformMatrix4fv
08-26 19:26:12.334  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUseProgram
08-26 19:26:12.334  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glIsRenderbuffer
08-26 19:26:12.334  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glBindRenderbuffer
08-26 19:26:12.334  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDeleteRenderbuffers
08-26 19:26:12.334  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGenRenderbuffers
08-26 19:26:12.334  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glRenderbufferStorage
08-26 19:26:12.334  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glBindFramebuffer
08-26 19:26:12.335  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDeleteFramebuffers
08-26 19:26:12.335  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGenFramebuffers
08-26 19:26:12.335  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glCheckFramebufferStatus
08-26 19:26:12.335  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glFramebufferTexture2D
08-26 19:26:12.335  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glFramebufferRenderbuffer
08-26 19:26:12.335  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGenerateMipmap
08-26 19:26:12.335  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glRenderbufferStorageMultisample
08-26 19:26:12.335  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glTexImage2DMultisample
08-26 19:26:12.335  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glBlitFramebuffer
08-26 19:26:12.335  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDisableVertexAttribArray
08-26 19:26:12.335  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glEnableVertexAttribArray
08-26 19:26:12.335  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glVertexAttribPointer
08-26 19:26:12.335  4593  4593 E ZgeAndroid: GLBase: 1.1
08-26 19:26:12.471  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: JNI_OnLoad
08-26 19:26:12.472  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDepthRange
08-26 19:26:12.472  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGenLists
08-26 19:26:12.472  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glMateriali
08-26 19:26:12.472  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glIndexMask
08-26 19:26:12.472  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glListBase
08-26 19:26:12.472  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glBegin
08-26 19:26:12.472  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glCallList
08-26 19:26:12.472  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glColor3f
08-26 19:26:12.472  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glColor3fv
08-26 19:26:12.472  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glColor4fv
08-26 19:26:12.472  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glEnd
08-26 19:26:12.472  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glColorMaterial
08-26 19:26:12.472  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDeleteLists
08-26 19:26:12.472  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDrawBuffer
08-26 19:26:12.472  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGetTexImage
08-26 19:26:12.472  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glPolygonMode
08-26 19:26:12.472  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glPopAttrib
08-26 19:26:12.473  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glPushAttrib
08-26 19:26:12.473  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glRasterPos2f
08-26 19:26:12.473  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glTexCoord2f
08-26 19:26:12.473  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glVertex2f
08-26 19:26:12.473  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glVertex3f
08-26 19:26:12.473  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glTexGeni
08-26 19:26:12.485  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glAttachShader
08-26 19:26:12.485  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glBindAttribLocation
08-26 19:26:12.485  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glCompileShader
08-26 19:26:12.485  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glCreateShader
08-26 19:26:12.485  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glCreateProgram
08-26 19:26:12.485  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDeleteShader
08-26 19:26:12.485  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDeleteProgram
08-26 19:26:12.485  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDetachShader
08-26 19:26:12.485  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGetProgramiv
08-26 19:26:12.485  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGetShaderiv
08-26 19:26:12.485  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGetShaderInfoLog
08-26 19:26:12.485  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGetProgramInfoLog
08-26 19:26:12.485  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glValidateProgram
08-26 19:26:12.486  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGetUniformLocation
08-26 19:26:12.486  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glLinkProgram
08-26 19:26:12.486  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glShaderSource
08-26 19:26:12.486  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniform3fv
08-26 19:26:12.486  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniform1f
08-26 19:26:12.486  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniform4fv
08-26 19:26:12.486  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniform2fv
08-26 19:26:12.486  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniform1i
08-26 19:26:12.486  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniform1fv
08-26 19:26:12.486  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniformMatrix3fv
08-26 19:26:12.486  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniformMatrix4fv
08-26 19:26:12.486  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUseProgram
08-26 19:26:12.486  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glIsRenderbuffer
08-26 19:26:12.486  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glBindRenderbuffer
08-26 19:26:12.486  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDeleteRenderbuffers
08-26 19:26:12.486  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGenRenderbuffers
08-26 19:26:12.486  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glRenderbufferStorage
08-26 19:26:12.486  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glBindFramebuffer
08-26 19:26:12.486  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDeleteFramebuffers
08-26 19:26:12.486  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGenFramebuffers
08-26 19:26:12.486  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glCheckFramebufferStatus
08-26 19:26:12.486  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glFramebufferTexture2D
08-26 19:26:12.486  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glFramebufferRenderbuffer
08-26 19:26:12.486  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGenerateMipmap
08-26 19:26:12.488  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glRenderbufferStorageMultisample
08-26 19:26:12.489  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glTexImage2DMultisample
08-26 19:26:12.489  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glBlitFramebuffer
08-26 19:26:12.489  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDisableVertexAttribArray
08-26 19:26:12.489  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glEnableVertexAttribArray
08-26 19:26:12.489  4593  4682 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glVertexAttribPointer
So... Execution or Error? :lol:
Last edited by Ats on Tue Aug 27, 2024 10:39 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Posts: 727
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Re: Google Play New problem : 64bits

Post by Ats »

I just got confirmation that the newly compiled for 64 bits works on 64 bits exclusive phone, such as the Pixel 7. Hurrah.
I'll post my changes to the GitHub as separate commits when I'll get home.

Now... To the 64 bits...
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Posts: 727
Joined: Fri Sep 28, 2012 10:05 am

Re: Google Play New problem : 64bits

Post by Ats »

I may have yet another problem with 64 bits.

I managed to build 64 bits quite easily. But When I launch the apk, it crashes. So, after checking the logcat, I tested with the music 64 bits library, which is already used by many. It crashes the same when in 64 bits. And the logcat ends almost the same:

logcat for libZgeBullet:

Code: Select all

08-27 18:55:18.659 E/ZgeAndroid(29835): failed to load: /data/user/0/com.txori.PhysicsTest/lib/./
08-27 18:55:18.660 E/ZgeAndroid(29835): Found JNI_OnLoad function, calling now...
08-27 18:55:19.461 F/DEBUG   (29859):     x24 00000079095f54b8  x25 0000000000000002  x26 00000079095f5658  x27 0000000000000002
08-27 18:55:19.461 F/DEBUG   (29859):     x28 0000007fe4e0a310  x29 0000007fe4e05bd0
08-27 18:55:19.461 F/DEBUG   (29859):     lr  0000007674e75ffc  sp  0000007fe4e05bc0  pc  0000007674e76004  pst 0000000060000000
08-27 18:55:19.461 F/DEBUG   (29859): backtrace:
08-27 18:55:19.461 F/DEBUG   (29859):       #00 pc 0000000000035004  /data/app/~~3v20TZq0-ymPVxr6ZxE4GQ==/com.txori.PhysicsTest-xnqPDlVmmFqwnDCSJpPk_A==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId: 2bf1c65ded05452cfb3a292fdb6e6f46d841989d)
logcat for sunvox:

Code: Select all

08-27 19:49:35.893 E/ZgeAndroid( 5493): failed to load: /data/user/0/com.txori.sunvox/lib/./
08-27 19:49:35.893 E/ZgeAndroid( 5493): Found JNI_OnLoad function, calling now...
08-27 19:49:36.406 F/DEBUG   ( 5518): uid: 10556
08-27 19:49:36.406 F/DEBUG   ( 5518): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0xb8
08-27 19:49:36.406 F/DEBUG   ( 5518): Cause: null pointer dereference
08-27 19:49:36.406 F/DEBUG   ( 5518):     x0  0000007920665068  x1  0000000000000000  x2  0000000000000000  x3  0000007fe4e05b70
08-27 19:49:36.406 F/DEBUG   ( 5518):     x4  00000079206272a0  x5  0000000000000004  x6  0000000000000000  x7  0000000000000000
08-27 19:49:36.406 F/DEBUG   ( 5518):     x8  5c54747b42ebba55  x9  5c54747b42ebba55  x10 0000000000004001  x11 0000000000000000
08-27 19:49:36.406 F/DEBUG   ( 5518):     x12 00000079097ca16c  x13 0000000000000030  x14 0000000000000105  x15 0000000000000031
08-27 19:49:36.406 F/DEBUG   ( 5518):     x16 0000007674f82440  x17 0000007909856588  x18 0000007929400000  x19 0000007920665068
08-27 19:49:36.406 F/DEBUG   ( 5518):     x20 0000007920665068  x21 0000000000000000  x22 0000007920c80c40  x23 0000007fe4e0a440
08-27 19:49:36.406 F/DEBUG   ( 5518):     x24 00000079095f5558  x25 0000000000000002  x26 00000079095f56f8  x27 0000000000000002
08-27 19:49:36.406 F/DEBUG   ( 5518):     x28 0000007fe4e0a310  x29 0000007fe4e05bd0
08-27 19:49:36.406 F/DEBUG   ( 5518):     lr  0000007674f39ffc  sp  0000007fe4e05bc0  pc  0000007674f3a004  pst 0000000060000000
08-27 19:49:36.406 F/DEBUG   ( 5518): backtrace:
08-27 19:49:36.406 F/DEBUG   ( 5518):       #00 pc 0000000000035004  /data/app/~~A13jWWzG25xJpbiQVJJXNQ==/com.txori.sunvox-ykhNcg6cnVycsPOj05bXLA==/lib/arm64/ (BuildId: 2bf1c65ded05452cfb3a292fdb6e6f46d841989d)
Both are quoting /lib/arm64/, which, by the way, is in 'arm64-v8a' folder, not 'arm64'. I don't know what's going on here, and I already tried adding 'arm64' folder with the 64 libs in it, just in case. Is it possible that we missed something in libzgeandroid that loads the other libraries?

There is this line in Build/android/jni.pas and another function right under that line.

It is also called from / Platform_LoadModule

I just tried other ways to load the external library in the ZGE project:

Code: Select all

if(ANDROID) this.ModuleName = "./";
//if(ANDROID) this.ModuleName = "/data/user/0/com.txori.sunvox/lib/armeabi/";
//if(ANDROID) this.ModuleName = "./arm64-v8a/";
//if(ANDROID) this.ModuleName = "/data/user/0/com.txori.sunvox/lib/arm64-v8a/";
Only the first one works in 32 bits mode.

Edit 2:
I added this to Platform_LoadModule function:
AndroidLog(PAnsiChar('AndroidLibraryPath: ' + AndroidLibraryPath));

And both 32 and 64 bits libraries are logging:
AndroidLibraryPath: /data/user/0/com.txori.sunvox/lib/

How does the app know that the libraries are inside 'armeabi' or 'arm64-v8a' folders?
Last edited by Ats on Tue Aug 27, 2024 11:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Posts: 727
Joined: Fri Sep 28, 2012 10:05 am

Re: Google Play New problem : 64bits

Post by Ats »

I modified Platform_LoadModule in order to trace more information, and to force the path for 32 and 64 libraries:

Code: Select all

procedure InitializeLibraryPath;
  {$if defined(cpuaarch64)}
    AndroidLibraryPath := '/data/user/0/com.txori.sunvox/lib/arm64-v8a/';
    AndroidLibraryPath := '/data/user/0/com.txori.sunvox/lib/armeabi/';

function dlerror: PAnsiChar; cdecl; external '';

function Platform_LoadModule(const Name : PAnsiChar) : NativeUInt;
  Buf : array[0..511] of AnsiChar;
  TheName : PAnsiChar;
  InitFunc : function(vm:PJavaVM;reserved:pointer):jint; cdecl;
  AndroidLog(PAnsiChar('AndroidLibraryPath: ' + AndroidLibraryPath));

  if Name^='.' then
    TheName := @Buf;
    TheName := Name;
  //Result := Integer( dlopen(TheName,1) );
  Result := NativeUInt( dlopen(TheName,1) );
  if Result=0 then
    AndroidLog(PAnsiChar('dlerror: ' + dlerror())); // Log the specific error from dlopen
    Platform_Error( PAnsiChar('failed to load: ' + TheName) );

  InitFunc := Platform_GetModuleProc(Result, 'JNI_OnLoad');
  if @InitFunc <> nil then
    AndroidLog('Found JNI_OnLoad function, preparing to call...');
    AndroidLog(PAnsiChar('curVM: ' + IntToStr(NativeInt(curVM))));
      InitFunc(curVM, nil);
      AndroidLog('Did it work?');
      on E: Exception do
        AndroidLog(PAnsiChar('Exception in JNI_OnLoad: ' + E.Message));
    AndroidLog('JNI_OnLoad function not found');

Here's the 64 log:

Code: Select all

08-28 00:43:01.163  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: /storage/emulated/0
08-28 00:43:01.163  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: /data/user/0/com.txori.sunvox/files/
08-28 00:43:01.163  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: /data/user/0/com.txori.sunvox/lib/
08-28 00:43:01.165  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: AndroidLibraryPath: /data/user/0/com.txori.sunvox/lib/
08-28 00:43:01.196  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: JNI_OnLoad
08-28 00:43:01.196  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: JNI_OnLoad function not found
08-28 00:43:01.196  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDepthRange
08-28 00:43:01.196  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGenLists
08-28 00:43:01.196  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glMateriali
08-28 00:43:01.196  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glIndexMask
08-28 00:43:01.196  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glListBase
08-28 00:43:01.196  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glBegin
08-28 00:43:01.196  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glCallList
08-28 00:43:01.196  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glColor3f
08-28 00:43:01.196  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glColor3fv
08-28 00:43:01.196  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glColor4fv
08-28 00:43:01.196  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glEnd
08-28 00:43:01.196  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glColorMaterial
08-28 00:43:01.197  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDeleteLists
08-28 00:43:01.197  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDrawBuffer
08-28 00:43:01.197  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGetTexImage
08-28 00:43:01.197  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glPolygonMode
08-28 00:43:01.197  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glPopAttrib
08-28 00:43:01.197  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glPushAttrib
08-28 00:43:01.197  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glRasterPos2f
08-28 00:43:01.197  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glTexCoord2f
08-28 00:43:01.197  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glVertex2f
08-28 00:43:01.197  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glVertex3f
08-28 00:43:01.197  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glTexGeni
08-28 00:43:01.197  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glAttachShader
08-28 00:43:01.197  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glBindAttribLocation
08-28 00:43:01.197  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glCompileShader
08-28 00:43:01.197  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glCreateShader
08-28 00:43:01.197  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glCreateProgram
08-28 00:43:01.197  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDeleteShader
08-28 00:43:01.197  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDeleteProgram
08-28 00:43:01.198  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDetachShader
08-28 00:43:01.199  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGetProgramiv
08-28 00:43:01.199  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGetShaderiv
08-28 00:43:01.199  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGetShaderInfoLog
08-28 00:43:01.199  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGetProgramInfoLog
08-28 00:43:01.199  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glValidateProgram
08-28 00:43:01.199  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGetUniformLocation
08-28 00:43:01.199  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glLinkProgram
08-28 00:43:01.199  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glShaderSource
08-28 00:43:01.199  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniform3fv
08-28 00:43:01.199  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniform1f
08-28 00:43:01.199  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniform4fv
08-28 00:43:01.199  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniform2fv
08-28 00:43:01.199  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniform1i
08-28 00:43:01.199  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniform1fv
08-28 00:43:01.199  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniformMatrix3fv
08-28 00:43:01.200  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniformMatrix4fv
08-28 00:43:01.200  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUseProgram
08-28 00:43:01.200  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glIsRenderbuffer
08-28 00:43:01.200  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glBindRenderbuffer
08-28 00:43:01.200  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDeleteRenderbuffers
08-28 00:43:01.200  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGenRenderbuffers
08-28 00:43:01.200  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glRenderbufferStorage
08-28 00:43:01.200  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glBindFramebuffer
08-28 00:43:01.200  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDeleteFramebuffers
08-28 00:43:01.200  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGenFramebuffers
08-28 00:43:01.200  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glCheckFramebufferStatus
08-28 00:43:01.200  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glFramebufferTexture2D
08-28 00:43:01.200  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glFramebufferRenderbuffer
08-28 00:43:01.200  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGenerateMipmap
08-28 00:43:01.200  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glRenderbufferStorageMultisample
08-28 00:43:01.200  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glTexImage2DMultisample
08-28 00:43:01.200  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glBlitFramebuffer
08-28 00:43:01.201  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDisableVertexAttribArray
08-28 00:43:01.201  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glEnableVertexAttribArray
08-28 00:43:01.201  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glVertexAttribPointer
08-28 00:43:01.201  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: AndroidLibraryPath: /data/user/0/com.txori.sunvox/lib/
08-28 00:43:01.201  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: dlerror: dlopen failed: library "/data/user/0/com.txori.sunvox/lib/arm64-v8a/./" not found
08-28 00:43:01.201  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: failed to load: /data/user/0/com.txori.sunvox/lib/arm64-v8a/./
08-28 00:43:01.201  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Found JNI_OnLoad function, preparing to call...
08-28 00:43:01.201  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: curVM: 512330092304
08-28 00:43:01.215  6504  6504 E ZgeAndroid: Did it work?
And it behaves the same with the original AndroidLibraryPath :

Code: Select all

08-28 00:30:35.563  5360  5360 E ZgeAndroid: dlerror: dlopen failed: library "/data/user/0/com.txori.sunvox/lib/./" not found
To compare, here's the log of the 32 bits version of the apk, that is playing its sunvox music without problem :roll:

Code: Select all

08-28 00:32:10.386  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: /storage/emulated/0
08-28 00:32:10.386  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: /data/user/0/com.txori.sunvox/files/
08-28 00:32:10.386  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: /data/user/0/com.txori.sunvox/lib/
08-28 00:32:10.388  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: AndroidLibraryPath: /data/user/0/com.txori.sunvox/lib/
08-28 00:32:10.414  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: JNI_OnLoad
08-28 00:32:10.414  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: JNI_OnLoad function not found
08-28 00:32:10.414  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDepthRange
08-28 00:32:10.415  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGenLists
08-28 00:32:10.415  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glMateriali
08-28 00:32:10.415  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glIndexMask
08-28 00:32:10.415  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glListBase
08-28 00:32:10.415  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glBegin
08-28 00:32:10.415  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glCallList
08-28 00:32:10.415  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glColor3f
08-28 00:32:10.415  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glColor3fv
08-28 00:32:10.415  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glColor4fv
08-28 00:32:10.415  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glEnd
08-28 00:32:10.415  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glColorMaterial
08-28 00:32:10.415  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDeleteLists
08-28 00:32:10.415  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDrawBuffer
08-28 00:32:10.415  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGetTexImage
08-28 00:32:10.415  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glPolygonMode
08-28 00:32:10.415  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glPopAttrib
08-28 00:32:10.415  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glPushAttrib
08-28 00:32:10.415  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glRasterPos2f
08-28 00:32:10.415  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glTexCoord2f
08-28 00:32:10.415  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glVertex2f
08-28 00:32:10.415  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glVertex3f
08-28 00:32:10.416  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glTexGeni
08-28 00:32:10.416  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glAttachShader
08-28 00:32:10.416  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glBindAttribLocation
08-28 00:32:10.416  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glCompileShader
08-28 00:32:10.416  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glCreateShader
08-28 00:32:10.416  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glCreateProgram
08-28 00:32:10.416  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDeleteShader
08-28 00:32:10.416  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDeleteProgram
08-28 00:32:10.416  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDetachShader
08-28 00:32:10.416  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGetProgramiv
08-28 00:32:10.416  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGetShaderiv
08-28 00:32:10.416  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGetShaderInfoLog
08-28 00:32:10.416  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGetProgramInfoLog
08-28 00:32:10.416  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glValidateProgram
08-28 00:32:10.416  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGetUniformLocation
08-28 00:32:10.416  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glLinkProgram
08-28 00:32:10.416  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glShaderSource
08-28 00:32:10.416  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniform3fv
08-28 00:32:10.416  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniform1f
08-28 00:32:10.416  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniform4fv
08-28 00:32:10.416  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniform2fv
08-28 00:32:10.416  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniform1i
08-28 00:32:10.417  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniform1fv
08-28 00:32:10.417  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniformMatrix3fv
08-28 00:32:10.417  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniformMatrix4fv
08-28 00:32:10.417  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUseProgram
08-28 00:32:10.417  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glIsRenderbuffer
08-28 00:32:10.417  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glBindRenderbuffer
08-28 00:32:10.417  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDeleteRenderbuffers
08-28 00:32:10.417  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGenRenderbuffers
08-28 00:32:10.417  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glRenderbufferStorage
08-28 00:32:10.417  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glBindFramebuffer
08-28 00:32:10.417  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDeleteFramebuffers
08-28 00:32:10.417  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGenFramebuffers
08-28 00:32:10.417  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glCheckFramebufferStatus
08-28 00:32:10.417  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glFramebufferTexture2D
08-28 00:32:10.417  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glFramebufferRenderbuffer
08-28 00:32:10.417  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGenerateMipmap
08-28 00:32:10.417  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glRenderbufferStorageMultisample
08-28 00:32:10.417  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glTexImage2DMultisample
08-28 00:32:10.417  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glBlitFramebuffer
08-28 00:32:10.417  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDisableVertexAttribArray
08-28 00:32:10.417  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glEnableVertexAttribArray
08-28 00:32:10.417  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glVertexAttribPointer
08-28 00:32:10.417  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: AndroidLibraryPath: /data/user/0/com.txori.sunvox/lib/
08-28 00:32:10.421  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: JNI_OnLoad
08-28 00:32:10.421  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: JNI_OnLoad function not found
08-28 00:32:10.711  5498  5498 E ZgeAndroid: GLBase: 1.1
08-28 00:32:10.884  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: AndroidLibraryPath: /data/user/0/com.txori.sunvox/lib/
08-28 00:32:10.885  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: JNI_OnLoad
08-28 00:32:10.885  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: JNI_OnLoad function not found
08-28 00:32:10.885  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDepthRange
08-28 00:32:10.885  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGenLists
08-28 00:32:10.885  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glMateriali
08-28 00:32:10.885  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glIndexMask
08-28 00:32:10.885  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glListBase
08-28 00:32:10.885  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glBegin
08-28 00:32:10.885  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glCallList
08-28 00:32:10.886  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glColor3f
08-28 00:32:10.886  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glColor3fv
08-28 00:32:10.886  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glColor4fv
08-28 00:32:10.886  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glEnd
08-28 00:32:10.886  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glColorMaterial
08-28 00:32:10.886  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDeleteLists
08-28 00:32:10.886  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDrawBuffer
08-28 00:32:10.886  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGetTexImage
08-28 00:32:10.886  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glPolygonMode
08-28 00:32:10.887  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glPopAttrib
08-28 00:32:10.887  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glPushAttrib
08-28 00:32:10.887  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glRasterPos2f
08-28 00:32:10.887  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glTexCoord2f
08-28 00:32:10.887  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glVertex2f
08-28 00:32:10.887  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glVertex3f
08-28 00:32:10.887  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glTexGeni
08-28 00:32:10.929  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glAttachShader
08-28 00:32:10.929  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glBindAttribLocation
08-28 00:32:10.929  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glCompileShader
08-28 00:32:10.929  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glCreateShader
08-28 00:32:10.929  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glCreateProgram
08-28 00:32:10.929  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDeleteShader
08-28 00:32:10.929  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDeleteProgram
08-28 00:32:10.929  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDetachShader
08-28 00:32:10.930  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGetProgramiv
08-28 00:32:10.930  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGetShaderiv
08-28 00:32:10.930  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGetShaderInfoLog
08-28 00:32:10.931  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGetProgramInfoLog
08-28 00:32:10.931  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glValidateProgram
08-28 00:32:10.937  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGetUniformLocation
08-28 00:32:10.937  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glLinkProgram
08-28 00:32:10.937  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glShaderSource
08-28 00:32:10.937  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniform3fv
08-28 00:32:10.937  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniform1f
08-28 00:32:10.937  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniform4fv
08-28 00:32:10.937  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniform2fv
08-28 00:32:10.937  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniform1i
08-28 00:32:10.937  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniform1fv
08-28 00:32:10.937  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniformMatrix3fv
08-28 00:32:10.937  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniformMatrix4fv
08-28 00:32:10.937  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUseProgram
08-28 00:32:10.938  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glIsRenderbuffer
08-28 00:32:10.938  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glBindRenderbuffer
08-28 00:32:10.938  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDeleteRenderbuffers
08-28 00:32:10.938  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGenRenderbuffers
08-28 00:32:10.938  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glRenderbufferStorage
08-28 00:32:10.938  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glBindFramebuffer
08-28 00:32:10.938  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDeleteFramebuffers
08-28 00:32:10.938  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGenFramebuffers
08-28 00:32:10.938  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glCheckFramebufferStatus
08-28 00:32:10.938  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glFramebufferTexture2D
08-28 00:32:10.939  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glFramebufferRenderbuffer
08-28 00:32:10.942  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGenerateMipmap
08-28 00:32:10.942  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glRenderbufferStorageMultisample
08-28 00:32:10.942  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glTexImage2DMultisample
08-28 00:32:10.942  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glBlitFramebuffer
08-28 00:32:10.942  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDisableVertexAttribArray
08-28 00:32:10.942  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glEnableVertexAttribArray
08-28 00:32:10.942  5498  5550 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glVertexAttribPointer

Lastly, I modified Platform_GetModuleProc to get more informations:

Code: Select all

function Platform_GetModuleProc(Module: NativeUInt; const Name: PAnsiChar): pointer;
  Result := dlsym(Pointer(Module), Name);
  if Result = nil then
    Platform_Error(PChar('Function not found: ' + Name));
    AndroidLog(PAnsiChar('dlsym failed: ' + String(dlerror()) + ' module handle: ' + IntToStr(Module)));
And the 64 log that goes with it:

Code: Select all

08-28 09:20:24.720 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: /storage/emulated/0
08-28 09:20:24.720 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: /data/user/0/com.txori.sunvox/files/
08-28 09:20:24.720 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: /data/user/0/com.txori.sunvox/lib/
08-28 09:20:24.722 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: AndroidLibraryPath: /data/user/0/com.txori.sunvox/lib/
08-28 09:20:24.932 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: JNI_OnLoad
08-28 09:20:24.932 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: JNI_OnLoad module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.932 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: JNI_OnLoad function not found
08-28 09:20:24.932 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDepthRange
08-28 09:20:24.932 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glDepthRange module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.932 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGenLists
08-28 09:20:24.932 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glGenLists module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.932 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glMateriali
08-28 09:20:24.932 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glMateriali module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.932 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glIndexMask
08-28 09:20:24.932 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glIndexMask module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.932 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glListBase
08-28 09:20:24.932 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glListBase module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.932 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glBegin
08-28 09:20:24.932 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glBegin module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.932 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glCallList
08-28 09:20:24.932 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glCallList module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.932 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glColor3f
08-28 09:20:24.932 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glColor3f module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.932 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glColor3fv
08-28 09:20:24.932 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glColor3fv module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.932 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glColor4fv
08-28 09:20:24.932 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glColor4fv module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.932 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glEnd
08-28 09:20:24.932 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glEnd module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.932 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glColorMaterial
08-28 09:20:24.932 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glColorMaterial module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.933 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDeleteLists
08-28 09:20:24.933 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glDeleteLists module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.933 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDrawBuffer
08-28 09:20:24.933 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glDrawBuffer module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.933 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGetTexImage
08-28 09:20:24.933 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glGetTexImage module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.933 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glPolygonMode
08-28 09:20:24.933 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glPolygonMode module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.933 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glPopAttrib
08-28 09:20:24.933 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glPopAttrib module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.933 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glPushAttrib
08-28 09:20:24.933 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glPushAttrib module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.933 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glRasterPos2f
08-28 09:20:24.933 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glRasterPos2f module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.933 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glTexCoord2f
08-28 09:20:24.933 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glTexCoord2f module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.933 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glVertex2f
08-28 09:20:24.933 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glVertex2f module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.933 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glVertex3f
08-28 09:20:24.933 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glVertex3f module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.933 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glTexGeni
08-28 09:20:24.933 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glTexGeni module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.934 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glAttachShader
08-28 09:20:24.934 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glAttachShader module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.934 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glBindAttribLocation
08-28 09:20:24.934 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glBindAttribLocation module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.934 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glCompileShader
08-28 09:20:24.934 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glCompileShader module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.934 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glCreateShader
08-28 09:20:24.934 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glCreateShader module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.934 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glCreateProgram
08-28 09:20:24.934 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glCreateProgram module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.934 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDeleteShader
08-28 09:20:24.934 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glDeleteShader module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.934 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDeleteProgram
08-28 09:20:24.934 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glDeleteProgram module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.934 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDetachShader
08-28 09:20:24.934 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glDetachShader module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.934 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGetProgramiv
08-28 09:20:24.934 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glGetProgramiv module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.934 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGetShaderiv
08-28 09:20:24.934 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glGetShaderiv module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.934 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGetShaderInfoLog
08-28 09:20:24.934 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glGetShaderInfoLog module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.935 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGetProgramInfoLog
08-28 09:20:24.935 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glGetProgramInfoLog module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.935 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glValidateProgram
08-28 09:20:24.935 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glValidateProgram module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.935 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGetUniformLocation
08-28 09:20:24.935 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glGetUniformLocation module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.935 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glLinkProgram
08-28 09:20:24.935 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glLinkProgram module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.935 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glShaderSource
08-28 09:20:24.935 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glShaderSource module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.935 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniform3fv
08-28 09:20:24.935 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glUniform3fv module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.935 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniform1f
08-28 09:20:24.935 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glUniform1f module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.935 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniform4fv
08-28 09:20:24.935 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glUniform4fv module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.935 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniform2fv
08-28 09:20:24.935 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glUniform2fv module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.935 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniform1i
08-28 09:20:24.935 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glUniform1i module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.935 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniform1fv
08-28 09:20:24.935 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glUniform1fv module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.936 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniformMatrix3fv
08-28 09:20:24.936 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glUniformMatrix3fv module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.936 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUniformMatrix4fv
08-28 09:20:24.936 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glUniformMatrix4fv module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.936 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glUseProgram
08-28 09:20:24.936 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glUseProgram module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.936 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glIsRenderbuffer
08-28 09:20:24.936 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glIsRenderbuffer module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.936 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glBindRenderbuffer
08-28 09:20:24.936 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glBindRenderbuffer module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.936 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDeleteRenderbuffers
08-28 09:20:24.936 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glDeleteRenderbuffers module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.936 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGenRenderbuffers
08-28 09:20:24.936 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glGenRenderbuffers module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.936 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glRenderbufferStorage
08-28 09:20:24.936 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glRenderbufferStorage module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.936 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glBindFramebuffer
08-28 09:20:24.936 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glBindFramebuffer module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.936 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDeleteFramebuffers
08-28 09:20:24.936 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glDeleteFramebuffers module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.936 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGenFramebuffers
08-28 09:20:24.937 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glGenFramebuffers module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.937 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glCheckFramebufferStatus
08-28 09:20:24.937 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glCheckFramebufferStatus module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.937 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glFramebufferTexture2D
08-28 09:20:24.937 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glFramebufferTexture2D module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.937 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glFramebufferRenderbuffer
08-28 09:20:24.937 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glFramebufferRenderbuffer module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.937 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glGenerateMipmap
08-28 09:20:24.937 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glGenerateMipmap module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.937 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glRenderbufferStorageMultisample
08-28 09:20:24.937 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glRenderbufferStorageMultisample module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.937 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glTexImage2DMultisample
08-28 09:20:24.937 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glTexImage2DMultisample module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.937 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glBlitFramebuffer
08-28 09:20:24.937 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glBlitFramebuffer module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.937 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glDisableVertexAttribArray
08-28 09:20:24.937 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glDisableVertexAttribArray module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.937 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glEnableVertexAttribArray
08-28 09:20:24.937 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glEnableVertexAttribArray module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.938 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Function not found: glVertexAttribPointer
08-28 09:20:24.938 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlsym failed: undefined symbol: glVertexAttribPointer module handle: 15037161339377309945
08-28 09:20:24.938 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: AndroidLibraryPath: /data/user/0/com.txori.sunvox/lib/
08-28 09:20:24.940 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: dlerror: dlopen failed: library "/data/user/0/com.txori.sunvox/lib/./" not found
08-28 09:20:24.940 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: failed to load: /data/user/0/com.txori.sunvox/lib/./
08-28 09:20:24.940 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Found JNI_OnLoad function, preparing to call...
08-28 09:20:24.940 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: curVM: 512330092304
08-28 09:20:24.961 10597 10597 E ZgeAndroid: Did it work?
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Re: Google Play New problem : 64bits

Post by Ats »

I've run out of ideas...

Here's a zip file with:
ZGE_cube_32.apk working
ZGE_cube_64.apk working
ZGE_sunvox_32.apk working
ZGE_sunvox_64.apk not working

They all have the modification I made to to log things.
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Re: Google Play New problem : 64bits

Post by Ats »

Wait... The ZGE_sunvox_64 isn't crashing if I only load the sunvox library without calling anything afterward.

Here's what I do in ZGE to play a sunvox music. Any call to the external library crashes the app.

Code: Select all

sv_init("", 44100, 2, 0);
sv_load_from_memory(0, MusicAction3.FileEmbedded, MusicAction3.Size);
sv_set_autostop(0, 0);
Could my problem be coming from dlopen?

I just tried to replace

Code: Select all

function dlopen(Name: PAnsiChar; Flags: longint): Pointer; cdecl; external 'dl';

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function dlopen(Name: PAnsiChar; Flags: nativeint): Pointer; cdecl; external 'dl';
Not working.
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Re: Google Play New problem : 64bits

Post by Kjell »

Hi Ats,
Ats wrote: Wed Aug 28, 2024 12:05 pmCould my problem be coming from dlopen?
The dlopen function is part of the Android / Linux kernel, so the definition in is simply a function prototype and must follow the API specification. Therefore the flags argument should be a regular 32-bit integer ( LongInt in Pascal ) not NativeInt.

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Re: Google Play New problem : 64bits

Post by VilleK »

If dlopen works for other libs but not for then my guess is that there is something wrong with that file. Are you absolutely certain it is built for 64-bit Android? Did you build it yourself or download it from somewhere?
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Re: Google Play New problem : 64bits

Post by Ats »

Hi Villek. I'm absolutely certain it's for 64-bit Android. And I downloaded it from the official website:
Located in android\sample_project\SunVoxLib\src\main\jniLibs\arm64-v8a\
The armeabi-v7a version works like a charm.

I have the same problem with the arm64-v8a\ that i'm building from source. Same, the armeabi-v7a version works like a charm.

Maybe I can try building a simple 64-bit android library that does almost nothing. Something like this would work?

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#include <stdio.h>
bool test() {
    return true;
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Re: Google Play New problem : 64bits

Post by VilleK »

Ats wrote: Mon Sep 02, 2024 1:59 pm Maybe I can try building a simple 64-bit android library that does almost nothing. Something like this would work?
Maybe try that indeed.

The other possibility is that ZGE tries to load the library from the wrong location. But I see it uses AndroidLibraryPath which should be initialized correctly.
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Re: Google Play New problem : 64bits

Post by Ats »

After a few tries, I managed to create a simple Android 64-bit library, and it's working fine. This suggests the problem might be related to the SunVox library, which is seriously concerning... :?

I reverted all the changes I made to the ZGE source code for debugging before committing to the git, and I also added the scripts to compile Android 32 and 64 libraries.

Next step:
Replace the 'armeabi' folder name with the official 'armeabi-v7a' in the source code. The current name is causing issues with Android, and I can't simply rename it because exporting from ZGE to Android requires finding '' inside the 'ZGameEditor\Android\Template\base\libs\armeabi' folder. I hope this is just handled by the code and not some weird option in the ZDesigner project :lol:

Anyway, here's the zip with the source and working libraries for 32-bit and 64-bit Android, so it's not lost.
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Re: Google Play New problem : 64bits

Post by VilleK »

Perhaps the SunVox library has some requirement that is not fulfilled on your device? Such as minimal Android OS version or dependency to other libs.

I tried uploading the sunvox lib to VirusTotal: ... aa/details

It shows a dependency to "". I can't find any details if this file is included on Android or if you are supposed to add that yourself.
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