Here's the simple test:
Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
<ZApplication Name="App" Caption="ZGameEditor application" FileVersion="2">
<UseMaterial Material="MyMaterial"/>
<RenderMesh Mesh="MyMesh"/>
<Bitmap Name="MyBitmap" Width="256" Height="128">
<BitmapNoise Name="Noise" Octaves="2" Offset="0.1" Persistence="20" ZHeight="185.1705" Color="1" Tile="255"/>
<Material Name="MyMaterial">
<MaterialTexture Texture="MyBitmap" TexCoords="1"/>
<Mesh Name="MyMesh">
<MeshBox Scale="4 2 1" Grid2DOnly="255"/>
It looks like the Persistence of the BitmapData is limited to [0,1] in release.
The same goes for Offset.