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Introduce yourself!

Post by VilleK »

Most forums have a thread like this so I figure it is time for us too. After all it feels like we got a nice little community here with both great teamwork and a friendly, helpful atmosphere so it makes sense to introduce yourself.

Feel absolutely no pressure on posting in this thread! I have full respect for people wanting to be anonymous on the internet.

Here goes a little about me:

Name: Ville Krumlinde
Born: 1971 in Stockholm
Home: Stockholm, Sweden
Occupation: Software developer (I write software for business applications)
Hobbies: Videogames, movies, music, concerts, literature, comics. You know, all the geek-culture stuff that software-developer types normally are into :)

Me looking unusually serious on a street in Slussen, Stockholm last winter:
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Post by kattle87 »

Here I am!
Name: Francesco
Surname: anonymous ^^
Born: 1987 in "Home"
Home: A little town near Ancona, Italy
"Student" home: Milan
Occupation: studing math engineering, now I am attending the 3th year (on a total of 6)
Hobbies: read the Ville ones, add loosing endless times on the net :/ I should really avoid Wikipedia and Youtube :P
BTW: I was grown with the donad duck's comics ^^

Picture of me at a concert here in Milan:
The fact it is upside-down clearly shows the fact that I am a quite messy person. :P
(actually it was just the easiest way to shoot a pict by myself ^^)
In the fall of 1972 President Nixon announced that the rate of increase of inflation was decreasing. This was the first time a sitting president used the third derivative to advance his case for reelection.
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Post by jph_wacheski »

Me i'm Jph (jeff) Wacheski

Born: Windsor, Ontario, Canada (cira 1970)

Occupation: Unemployed/Unemployable (awaiting the collapse/implosion of the current badly corrupted and destructive social order) I lov to debate this subject ;) for a bit of where I'm coming form read; [ ... fault.aspx ] The system is broken,. monitary reform is essential! i.e how money is created and what it represents (value or debt?)

Activites: gardening (permaculture advocate), working old analog/digital/electro-accustic sound generating devices in the pursute of experimental music creation, photography, mountan bikeing urban and off trail!, beer brewing and drinkin, tequila is my favorite spirit!,

I am a good cook and like to do so,. all styles from vegan, to bbq,. yummmmy. I love korean, and veitnamese food in resterants (i try, but they do it better and for reasonable price),. Pho and Kimchee!,

I took film making /documentary in university, and would lov to have the opportunity to make/work on a larger film. (subject likely what is below)

I am (when I get my site back up) going to start a new project to formalise my ideas and present a proposal to build/organise an artist community/eco village/learning center. The project's idea being to bring together a small group of reasonably like minded people to work to build an offgrid eco-village that will use permaculture techniques to produce food and shelter (i.e. strawbail/pasive solar/wind, etc.) while striveing to balance the eco-system and human needs/wants in a sustainable way.

This is to be an experiment in altentives to the current system,. for human organisation (being an anarchist/socialist[with a bit of lov for some capitalist priciples] I favor autonomus collectivism), food/energy production, work life balance, and a creative lifestyle not focused on war domination and greed. :( How people are so easily mislead I do not know,.(i suspect lazyness, fear and greed) but presented alternatives perhaps they would choose the better way,. .

Well, there you have it,. just another revolutionary dreamer.

Me on a bike trail in Oakville, Ontario, Canada. with my 13 year old kona cinder cone (all original except some tires/tubes, a chain, and a sproket,. great bike!)
Last edited by jph_wacheski on Wed Sep 12, 2012 11:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by y offs et »

Hello - My name is Stephen H. France
That's the first confusion when meeting me because I'm Welsh, more than anything else. Some say that no one under thirty should be allowed to name children. Apparently my parents wanted to bring back ancient history. You be the judge.

Born Victoria BC Canada , 1949
Living in Canada's retirement capital - no, not Florida,USA - the Okanagan Valley BC

My working life could be characterized by what they called me in my Teamster persona - "Gypsy Trucker". To me, learning to be a "Jack of many trades" in different places kept a general laborers life interesting, so I had many diverse, albeit short, "careers" . This life was my lot as my youth was a constant series of new locals and schools, and I got lost academically.
On the bright side, the author of my nomadic youth left our family the accumulation of his single-minded attention, when he passed on, and allowing me to retire at 50.

And so I was freed to my own devices and have since taken my wandering ways to cyber space. So now, over 10 years later, I'm a jack of many softwares also.

These guys need me, as a translator. I love 'em all, but often they write in "nerd-speak", or from their own particular developed viewpoint. I try to convert this to a generally recognized form in my .chm project, that is, as soon as I understand it myself.: :)

just another revolutionary dreamer
- Well, I was an original '67 hippie. It was a time of a cultural split. "Mellow Yellow" vs Vietnam ( can you blame us? ).
I support the greening of Canada - I recycle. Go for it, JPH. Just watch you don't lose your way in the bad habits of likewise loonies. :roll:
Me and Mom - Her 80th birthday.
Me and Mom - Her 80th birthday.
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Last edited by y offs et on Wed Apr 14, 2010 4:59 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Lupo »

(Made the intro in other post ) :)

Born: Montevideo, Uruguay (1970)
Occupation: Information Security blah blah (booooooooring) at a broker company.
I live with my family (wife/sons).

I try to teach myself of every topic I like.
I love to play/compose music (study piano for a couple of years), but I get bored and I tried to get learning myself.

I love to play games, specially 3d vector ones or solid/old/flat polygons.
I love to program games, I have more ideas than time, so I doodle a lot.

I'm very happy and inspired with ZGE...

PS (See attached the reason of so little time to program) :) :) :)
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Post by VilleK »

Great pic Lupo :)
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Post by diki »

Hey there,

it took some time, but here it goes: my real name is Philipp Dikmann, I was born 1983 in Germany and still live here, in the Ruhr Area. I literally just (2 days ago) finished my Diploma in graphic design :D Other interests are (computer game) programming (of course), electronics & electronic music and some other creative tidbits. Here's hoping I find more time to play with ZGE in the near future :)
well dressed for my diploma presentation with generative imagery in the background
well dressed for my diploma presentation with generative imagery in the background
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Post by VilleK »

Hey diki, congratulations on that diploma! Your webpage have got a bunch of cool projects in a interesting mix of styles. And you have already contributed much to the ZGE-community :)
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Post by y offs et »

vvvv It's been a long time since I first looked at that. Original component programming. Nice to see someone working with it.
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Post by Lupo »

Hi Diki,

Great projects!

Loved the sine-grid one.
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Post by laurent »

Name: Laurent
Born: 1975 in Strasbourg
Home: Strasbourg, France
Occupation: IT
Hobbies: Videogames, comics, books

Hi guys, I'm new here and new with ZGE ( heard about it last week... )
Currently on the learning path and struggling a bit :shock:
Thanks everyone who posted their .zgeproj file here, I'm going through most to see how other people do stuff.

And a big thanks to Ville for this great tool !
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Post by getter77 »

Name: Brian Emre Jeffears
Born: 1984 Georgia, USA---still there
Hobbies: Roguelikes, videogames, RPGs, "culinary experimenting"(As I don't quite know how to cook per se just yet...), pizza experiments, good times however I can find them

Stalked the place for the last fair chunk of months, now intending to follow it all far more closely and get things even more happening in this new world that is the 2.0 release and beyond.
Champion of Roguelikes, living voraciously, trying to wrap my head around game creation.
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Post by nadams »

Name: Nathan Adams
Born: 1988 in Illinois, US
Current home: Illinois, US
Occupation: Software Engineer for a national laboratory (I currently do a lot from web site development to automated applications that run on a server)
Hobbies: video games, programming, watching TV shows/movies, board games, and other geeky/nerdy/dorky things
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Here is a pic of me coming out of a friends office TARDIS. After taking it for a test drive - I realized messing with time was not for me.
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Post by VilleK »

Great pic :) . Doctor Who is one of my favorite TV-shows.
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Post by Carver413 »

Hi all, the name's Rob from sagle,idaho us. I am a hobbyist programmer, Lazarus and Freepascal mostly I use to do the Delphi thing until swithched to Linux. can't say I'm really missing it. I am developing a procedural engine to entertain myself. since were on some what the same path I though we might collaborate a bit.
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