Me i'm Jph (jeff) Wacheski
Born: Windsor, Ontario, Canada (cira 1970)
Occupation: Unemployed/Unemployable (awaiting the collapse/implosion of the current badly corrupted and destructive social order) I lov to debate this subject

for a bit of where I'm coming form read; [ ... fault.aspx ] The system is broken,. monitary reform is essential! i.e how money is created and what it represents (value or debt?)
Activites: gardening (permaculture advocate), working old analog/digital/electro-accustic sound generating devices in the pursute of experimental music creation, photography, mountan bikeing urban and off trail!, beer brewing and drinkin, tequila is my favorite spirit!,
I am a good cook and like to do so,. all styles from vegan, to bbq,. yummmmy. I love korean, and veitnamese food in resterants (i try, but they do it better and for reasonable price),. Pho and Kimchee!,
I took film making /documentary in university, and would lov to have the opportunity to make/work on a larger film. (subject likely what is below)
I am (when I get my site back up) going to start a new project to formalise my ideas and present a proposal to build/organise an artist community/eco village/learning center. The project's idea being to bring together a small group of reasonably like minded people to work to build an offgrid eco-village that will use permaculture techniques to produce food and shelter (i.e. strawbail/pasive solar/wind, etc.) while striveing to balance the eco-system and human needs/wants in a sustainable way.
This is to be an experiment in altentives to the current system,. for human organisation (being an anarchist/socialist[with a bit of lov for some capitalist priciples] I favor autonomus collectivism), food/energy production, work life balance, and a creative lifestyle not focused on war domination and greed.

How people are so easily mislead I do not know,.(i suspect lazyness, fear and greed) but presented alternatives perhaps they would choose the better way,. .
Well, there you have it,. just another revolutionary dreamer.

Me on a bike trail in Oakville, Ontario, Canada. with my 13 year old kona cinder cone (all original except some tires/tubes, a chain, and a sproket,. great bike!)