No, I still have not worked out a way to deal with the resizeble-screen/ mouse-position issue,. I just created a nice pointer in the 3d view and the user can just ignore the os pointer,. sorta distracting but it is workable.
I always find it interesting to look at other peoples code,. I have not done anything with arrays of models like that,. didn't even know they could be use like that!
Anyway, you have to create 2048 (64*32) models with that setup,. and that is probably a lot more overhead that what I have in the BitPadZ script, where I just read the array in a loop in the draw event of just one model and change the color when drawing the points. So what I store is the colors directly in the array. To mix the colors you could then just add, subtract, etc. when drawing to the array.
try this in your update;
Code: Select all
for(int ii = 0; ii<32; ii++){ //clear board
for(int i = 0; i<64; i++) {
if (anim<31) anim+=1; else anim=0;
//redraw stuff
LedPoint(32+sin(anim*.2)*8,31-anim,1,0,1); //purp
LedLine(0,anim,63,15,1,0,0); //red
LedLine(anim*2,31,32,0,0,0,1); //blu
LedCircle(16+anim,16+sin(anim*.2)*8,5,0,1,0); //green
Reminds me of a LED pinball type display,. kinda fun