Answers to common problems with ZgeViz.
- A white square appears in the center of the screen when using Clear effects.
This is probably because the graphics card do not support OpenGL 2.0 shaders and/or the "GL_EXT_framebuffer_object" OpenGL extension that is used for render to texture.
This tool can be used for testing the capabilities of your OpenGL-card:
- Everything runs slow when I use a clear-effect.
Try setting "Render to texture quality" to "Low" in the settings dialog and restart ZgeViz. You can also visit your graphics cards manufacturers homepage and see if there are any updated drivers.
- Video export output differs from what I see on screen
- Text appears off-center when using clear effects
Try setting "Render to texture quality" to "High" in the settings dialog and restart ZgeViz. This is the recommended setting if your graphics card can handle it.
If your exported video is all black try turning off antialias in settings.
- Video export hangs or displays error message
Adjust your video export settings and try again. Recommended settings:
1. Click "Reset defaults"
2. Select Resolution
3. Select frames per second
4. Select audio format
5. Leave all other settings at their default values
ZgeViz troubleshooting FAQ
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