I'll share DLL extention after I add some more functions.
So far:
Code: Select all
int GetNumMidiDevices(){}
int OpenDevice(int devnum){}
int SendNoteOn(int Chn,int Note,int Vel){}
int SendNoteOff(int Chn,int Note){}
void closedevice(){}
void writeDeviceNames(int devcount){}
int DeviceListExist(){}
As a work around to get the midi device names
"writeDeviceNames" creates a a text file in the project directory. this "DeviceListExist()" makes sure the text file was created.
The text file get's named: "devnames.txt"
Code: Select all
"0$Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth$"
"1$Maple Midi Out: Port 1$"
"2$Maple Midi Out: Port 2$"
"3$Maple Midi Out: Port 3$"
"4$Maple Midi Out: Port 4$"
I've spent a way too much time trying to parse this though. If anyone can give me some tips it would be appreciated. All I want to do is read the file and create a user selection menu for it.
snap shot of the project -