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Post by Ats »

Haha, thanks for the Corneria background :)
So in order to fit the background to the viewport and cover some camera movements, I only have to make a bigger CorneriaMesh?

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
<ZApplication Name="App" Caption="ZGameEditor application" ScreenMode="0" CameraPosition="-1.8277 -0.8122 10" RenderOrder="1" FileVersion="2">

for(int i=0; i<4; i++)
  Box.Position.X = random(0, 4);
  Box.Position.Y = random(0, 4);
  Box.Position.Z = random(-10, 8);

  Box.Rotation.X = rnd();
  Box.Rotation.Y = rnd();

  Box.RotationVelocity.X = random(0, 0.125);
  Box.RotationVelocity.Y = random(0, 0.125);

    <Variable Name="GameTime"/>
<![CDATA[GameTime += App.DeltaTime;
App.CameraPosition.X = cos(GameTime/2)*2;
App.CameraPosition.Y = sin(GameTime/2)*2;]]>
    <UseMaterial Material="CorneriaMaterial"/>
    <RenderMesh Mesh="CorneriaMesh"/>
    <Mesh Name="CorneriaMesh">
        <MeshBox Scale="20 10 1" Grid2DOnly="255"/>
    <Bitmap Name="CorneriaBitmap" Width="512" Height="512" Filter="1">
        <BitmapFromFile DataWidth="512" DataHeight="512">
    <Material Name="CorneriaMaterial" Shading="1" Light="0" ZBuffer="0">
        <MaterialTexture Texture="CorneriaBitmap" TextureWrapMode="2" TexCoords="1"/>
    <Model Name="Box" Position="3.7319 -2.9679 -7.7437" Rotation="0.3905 0.7984 0" RotationVelocity="0.114 0.041 0">
        <UseMaterial Material="BoxMaterial"/>
        <RenderMesh Mesh="BoxMesh"/>
    <Mesh Name="BoxMesh">
    <Material Name="BoxMaterial" Shading="1"/>
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Post by Kjell »

Hi Ats,
Ats wrote:So in order to fit the background to the viewport and cover some camera movements, I only have to make a bigger CorneriaMesh?
Depends on what you want. Normally making it bigger or moving it closer to the camera ( same result ) will suffice .. but if you want to do a 2D background in the style of Star Fox ( or like Virtua Fighter ) you probably don't want to rotate the camera. Instead the background rotation is "simulated" using horizontal & vertical column scrolling ( creating a skewing effect ).

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Post by Ats »

The background is fixed because it's happening in space. But I'll use your Virtua Fighter example when I'll work on planets :)


Here's the new version of OMEGANAUT, with a randomly generated background and another enemy ship:

I'll try to compile ZGameEditor with the latest FPC in order to see if things work on Android API >=23
Last edited by Ats on Wed Nov 21, 2018 3:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Ats »

"That's no moon!" - Ben


This morning, I had the time to add planets to Omeganaut. I'm amazed at how quickly this game is taking shape :D

Play Omeganaut (PC, Android is still crap...):

Is it possible for the second layer of background to appear by using transparency? For the purpose of adding an atmosphere to the planets.
If not, I'll find something else using the Y position.
Last edited by Ats on Wed Nov 21, 2018 3:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Ats »

Hi, I've been stuck on this for a while now... Back when I started making that game, I made the ship turning left and right without rotating it on his Y axis. Everything was working fine, but the controls looked a bit like Tempest instead of Star Fox: you could only shoot straight ahead.
But now I have changed the controls so that the player can shoot at the edge of the screen while turning. And now, surprise, the "barrel roll" rotation on the Z axis is completely broken...

I've made a simple example so you could understand the problem:

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
<ZApplication Name="App" Caption="ZGameEditor application" CameraPosition="0 2 20" FileVersion="2">
    <SpawnModel Model="PlaneModel"/>
<![CDATA[App.CameraPosition.X = 0;
App.CameraPosition.Y = 2;
App.CameraPosition.Z = 20;]]>
    <Mesh Name="PlaneMesh">
        <MeshBox Scale="0.4 0.4 5"/>
        <MeshBox Scale="3 0.2 1"/>
        <MeshTransform Position="0 0 3.8"/>
    <Model Name="PlaneModel">
        <Variable Name="Roll"/>
        <Array Name="Axis" SizeDim1="2"/>
        <KeyPress Comment="space" Keys=" " CharCode="88">
            <ZExpression Expression="Roll = 1;"/>
        <KeyPress Comment="left" Keys="<" CharCode="88">
            <ZExpression Expression="axis[0]--;"/>
        <KeyPress Comment="right" Keys=">" CharCode="88">
            <ZExpression Expression="axis[0]++;"/>
        <KeyPress Comment="up" Keys="^" CharCode="88">
            <ZExpression Expression="axis[1]--;"/>
        <KeyPress Comment="down" Keys="_" CharCode="88">
            <ZExpression Expression="axis[1]++;"/>
<![CDATA[Roll -= Roll * 6 * App.DeltaTime;
if (Roll > -0.001 && Roll < 0.001) Roll = 0;

axis[0] = clamp(axis[0], -10, 10);
axis[1] = clamp(axis[1], -10, 10);

CurrentModel.Rotation.X = axis[1] * 0.01;
CurrentModel.Rotation.Y = axis[0] * 0.01;
CurrentModel.Rotation.Z = Roll;]]>
        <RenderMesh Mesh="PlaneMesh"/>
First press spacebar. The ship is rotating on the Z axis correctly, same as before. Now press the the arrow keys to turn the ship a bit and press spacebar again. It looks as if the Z axis of the model didn't turn with the model, while the rotation on X and Y are working correctly.

You can see that directly in the editor while playing with the model's Rotation option. I don't know how to handle that...

Nevermind, I've just managed to make it work by using a RanderTransform for the Z axis :oops:
Last edited by Ats on Mon Aug 20, 2018 9:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Kjell »

Hi Ats,

This is because the euler-angles order is "incorrect" / unsuitable for your use-case. Unfortunately you can't change this order in ZGE .. but fortunately you can circumvent this problem easily by adding a RenderTransform :) Here's a modified version of your snippet ..

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
<ZApplication Name="App" Caption="ZGameEditor application" CameraPosition="0 2 20" FileVersion="2">
    <SpawnModel Model="PlaneModel"/>
<![CDATA[App.CameraPosition.X = 0;
App.CameraPosition.Y = 2;
App.CameraPosition.Z = 20;]]>
    <Mesh Name="PlaneMesh">
        <MeshBox Scale="0.4 0.4 5"/>
        <MeshBox Scale="3 0.2 1"/>
        <MeshTransform Position="0 0 3.8"/>
    <Model Name="PlaneModel">
        <Variable Name="Roll"/>
        <Array Name="Axis" SizeDim1="2"/>
        <KeyPress Comment="space" Keys=" " CharCode="88">
            <ZExpression Expression="Roll = 1;"/>
        <KeyPress Comment="left" Keys="<" CharCode="88">
            <ZExpression Expression="axis[0]--;"/>
        <KeyPress Comment="right" Keys=">" CharCode="88">
            <ZExpression Expression="axis[0]++;"/>
        <KeyPress Comment="up" Keys="^" CharCode="88">
            <ZExpression Expression="axis[1]--;"/>
        <KeyPress Comment="down" Keys="_" CharCode="88">
            <ZExpression Expression="axis[1]++;"/>
<![CDATA[Roll -= Roll * 6 * App.DeltaTime;
if (Roll > -0.001 && Roll < 0.001) Roll = 0;

axis[0] = clamp(axis[0], -10, 10);
axis[1] = clamp(axis[1], -10, 10);

CurrentModel.Rotation.X = axis[1] * 0.01;
CurrentModel.Rotation.Y = axis[0] * 0.01;
PlaneRoll.Rotate.Z = Roll;]]>
        <RenderTransformGroup Name="PlaneRoll">
            <RenderMesh Mesh="PlaneMesh"/>
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Post by Ats »

Thanks Kjell, I just came up with the exact same solution while you were typing your answer. Sorry :oops:
Writing my problem to the forum must have clarify a few things in my mind :)
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Post by Ats »

I've just uploaded a new version of Omeganaut with better controls and colourful atmospheres for the planets:


Sadly, I wasn't able to do a colour pickup on the background before drawing the ships, so the fog colour can be a bit shifted when in space.

Now, to the mountains and other obstacles!
Last edited by Ats on Wed Nov 21, 2018 3:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Kjell »

Hi Ats,
Ats wrote: Tue Nov 20, 2018 11:35 amSadly, I wasn't able to do a color pickup on the background before drawing the ships, so the fog color can be a bit shifted when in space.
This doesn't seem like a situation where you should be using glReadPixels to determine the fog color .. but perhaps you're trying to do something very creative / exotic?

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Post by Ats »

I'm creating the space background by adding 3 random cloud bitmaps, so I was using the glReadPixels in order to retrieve the colour in the middle of the screen, where most of the enemy appear, and set the fog colour to that. I guess I could read the colour in the middle of the 3 clouds while creating them and store them in order to know the colour afterwards.

Something like:

Code: Select all


if (X==.5 && Y==.5) {
CloudColor1.X = Pixel.R;
CloudColor2.X = Pixel.G;
CloudColor3.X = Pixel.B;

and so on for CloudBitmap2 and CloudBitmap3.
And then set the fog color by making some kind of average:

fogColor.R = (CloudColor1.X + CloudColor2.X + CloudColor3.X) /3;
fogColor.G = (CloudColor1.Y + CloudColor2.Y + CloudColor3.Y) /3;
fogColor.B = (CloudColor1.Z + CloudColor2.Z + CloudColor3.Z) /3;
That should work.
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Post by Ats »

Even though the Android version of the game is doomed with Google Play new API restrictions, I've added a virtual gamepad, and it's quite enjoyable :D


So now I'm playing with randomly generated rocks and mountains, and so I have a question concerning the collision boxes... :roll:


You'll see you can go through the base of the mountain, or get hit while passing through thin air on the top of the model...
Can I use something like ZGEBox2D to handle that or is there another simpler solution?
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Post by Kjell »

Hi Ats,
Ats wrote: Fri Nov 30, 2018 6:24 pmCan I use something like ZGEBox2D to handle that or is there another simpler solution?
ZGE unfortunately still doesn't have mesh-collision built-in .. so you either need to use a library or use your own collision detection routines. A additional problem is that in order to use a library or your own routines, is that you need access to the mesh data, which isn't ( easily ) possible when you're using the Mesh component, so can't use that either anymore.

Anyway, just to show you that it is possible .. attached is a rudimentary demo that uses two ray-intersection tests along the wing edges of the plane you control.

- When there's no collision with a rock, the rock is green.
- When there's collision with the bounding volume of a rock but no actual collision, the rock is yellow.
- When there's collision between the line-segments along the wings of the plane and a rock, the rock is red.

This also means that when the plane is fully inside a rock, there's no actual collision ( so the rock will be yellow ).

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Post by Ats »

Hi Kjell

Thanks for this great exemple. I've played a bit with it and it's quite understandable. But I can't aford to create models using code only. I need to see what I'm doing on the fly. So right now I'm making some tests with ZGEBox2D. If I can manage to collide flying spaceships with fixed mountains without everything going crazy under zero gravity, it will be a win for me. Plus, it will be interesting to see explosion debris bouncing here and there :D
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Post by Kjell »

Hi Ats,
Ats wrote: Mon Dec 03, 2018 7:35 amSo right now I'm making some tests with ZGEBox2D.
If you're going to take the external library route i'd recommend Bullet over Box2D for 3D games.

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Post by Ats »

With the new android settings for API26+, I finally managed to push Omeganaut back to the Play Store (VilleK, can you add this new Android template to ZGameEditor?)

Omeganaut Android: ... .omeganaut


Now I have a weird bug on devices that runs under GPU Qualcomm Adreno (Xperia, Huawei...). The faces are inside out and the z-order is inverted... I've started to make some tests but nothing conclusive right now. But I managed to find a friend with such a phone nearby, so I'll be able to dig that next week.

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