I discovered ZGameEditor two days ago. I was amazed by the simplicity and efficiency of it. So after going through the "avoid walls" tutorial, I made this simple game this morning.
Now I have some questions for you... For starters, let's talk about the enemy color change. I made that using the Condition component within the Render part:
Code: Select all
<UseMaterial Material="SpriteMaterial"/>
<Condition Expression="return CurrentModel.EnemyLife == 3;">
<RenderSetColor Color="0.502 0.502 0.502 1"/>
<Condition Expression="return CurrentModel.EnemyLife == 2;">
<RenderSetColor Color="1 0.502 0 1"/>
<Condition Expression="return CurrentModel.EnemyLife == 1;">
<RenderSetColor Color="1 0 0 1"/>
<RenderMesh Mesh="EnemyMesh"/>
I've got some more questions about random numbers and laser angle, but I'll ask one at a time
Thanks !
Now I'm going to try particles...